Complex Adaptive Leadership (CAL) Limited delivers cutting edge leadership development to executives around the world. The CAL approach is relevant to all national cultures and has been praised globally. Examples inlcude:
“I have seen many leadership models in my time as an HR Leadership and Talent Development professional. However, I recently saw the CAL (Complex Adaptive Leadership) approach delivered here in Beijing and I believe it is the best western model that suits the Chinese culture and psyche. The feedback from the participants has been very positive and they all gained great insights in how to manage themselves, their teams and their managers better.."
"This is one of the best training programs we have in our portfolio and it has received the best evaluations from our high potential leaders from around the world"
CAL is unique and links complexity science to adaptive leadership to give a new and dynamic view of leadership which gets better results for less effort. Complexity has been identified as a key issue for leaders today to understand and manage - and yet most are ill-equipped to deal with it (see the IBM Global CEO's report and more recent HR study). The site summarises the thoroughly researched and tested solutions of CAL, and outlines the key points of the highly acclaimed book, published by Gower Applied Research,
A video which explains some of the ideas, filmed on the streets of London, can be viewed here.
This site is arranged as a journey - click through to discover how leadership can learn from complexity science and chaos theory, and how to get a whole lot more for a whole lot less.
"Time will show, I believe, that these theories and practices allow individuals to grow faster, contribute more, ensure greater stability, and, most importantly, allow individual autonomy." CEO reader quoted at
A few short videos from a webinar that summarises some of the main ideas:
The first part of the webinar looked at the context, how this has changed faster than we can change our assumptions about leadership, and some of the consequences. CLICK HERE. The webinar then looked at a simulation played in another conference showing how the dynamics of leadershp and complexity can work. CLICK HERE.
The webinar summarised 8 organisational principles to manage complexity. CLICK ON IMAGE
The webinar went on to consider 4 leadership behaviours that can be employed, and how they can be mixed. The balance and adaptiveness of the 300+ managers who attended was also explored, with some key recommendations. CLICK ON IMAGE.
The Context Pages of the site explain why the world has become more complex, and how traditional approaches to leadership are becoming less effective.
There are many lessons that one can draw from Complexity Science and Chaos Theory which can help leaders navigate these challenging times. The Lesson Pages of the site explore some of these.
Butterfly Effect
4+4 principles
On the Organisational Leadership level, Complex Adaptive Leadership is practised by ensuring 8 principles are in place. These allow leadership to become more of a shared dynamic and concern of all, rather than a specific role or challenge for the few.
On the Individual Leadership level, Complex Adaptive Leadership is based on a simple dynamic which has great complexity. The greatest challenge is for leaders to learn how to follow, and followers to learn how to lead. This site explains how complexity based on simplicity can exist within leadership .
As the organisation becomes more fluid and flexible, and leadership becomes more adaptive, the opportunity to be innovative will grow. There are four key "innovation spaces" which demand separate strategies (click here for more). The key for leadership is to understand which space the organisation is in, and then ensure it has what it needs to move forward.
The site offers free membership for a wide range of resources and support, from links to publications, from a blog/wiki site for shared experiences to self-assessment questionnaires.Register in our Guest Book here to be alerted when new resource is made ready. Consultancy and innovative executive leadership development programmes are already available from our services. Meanwhile click here to start the journey.
Click on image for more information
British Academy of Management Annual Conference
Explanation of paper "Chaos Leadership and polyarchy - countering leadership stress?"
The brief publication "Chaos Leadership and Polyarchy - Countering leadership stress?" was produced recently by the Centre of Leadership Studies in the UK (Click on Chaos Leadership image). It touches on some of the points raised in this web site. This site gives some of the key insights and groundbreaking research findings amplified in a new book published by Gower; there is a flyer offering a discount above.